If at first, you fail, then GO AROUND and try, try again.
There’s no shame in realizing your approach down to the runway isn’t looking so great (in fact its a true skill to be able to realize ahead of time when things aren’t going so hot), and electing to Go Around and try again, rather than try to save a botched approach and slam the airplane into the runway or worse.
A Go Around is a maneuver that can be executed at any altitude all the way down to the runway; where the pilot applies full power, establishes a climb away from the ground, and configures the flaps and landing gear of the airplane appropriately. Generally, this involves retracting flaps a few degrees and retracting the landing gear once a positive climb rate has been established.
This maneuver is practiced and used by pilots at all levels; from students to commercial airline pilots and the military.
Reasons for a go around can include:
Each airplane will have a specific published procedure for it that your flight instructor can explain in more detail. Here is a general way to execute a Go Around in many GA airplanes:
Note: no mention of landing gear is made above since most GA training airplanes have fixed gear that does not retract. Always talk to your CFI and have them explain the proper way to execute a Go Around in the particular airplane you are flying.
Another “maneuver” to be done when things aren’t going so well is a rejected or aborted takeoff. While this may sound like a simple concept, when operating on short runways or rejecting a takeoff at high speed when the airplane is “light on its feet” requires very precise control inputs to maintain directional control and ensure the airplane stops safely on the remaining runway.
You’ve got to land here son, this is where the food is.Landing signal officer to carrier pilot after his 6th unsuccessful landing