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Takeoff and Landing Calculations

How much runway do you need?

Calculating how much runway is required for your airplane to takeoff and land is something specifically required for you to do each preflight by the FARs.

It’s actually easier than you might think, and over the years aircraft manufacturers have made the charts more and more user-friendly to use.

Watch the video above and the two below to be familiar with all the different ways to calculate takeoff performance.  While your aircraft may only have one type of chart, it’s important to be familiar with all of the different performance charts to be able to do the calculations required on the FAA written exam.

How to calculate Takeoff Distance using the Table

  • Flip to the Takeoff Distance chart in your POH/AFM.
  • Identify the takeoff type (i.e. short field) and conditions associated with that takeoff type.
  • Identify the field pressure altitude.
  • Identify temperature at the time of takeoff and locate the column nearest to that temperature.
  • Move down in that respective column to the associated pressure altitude to find your ground roll and distance required to clear a 50-foot obstacle.
  • Apply variables to distance as necessary (i.e. grass runway, headwind, tailwind, etc…)
  • Keep in mind that these numbers are associated with a perfectly running new engine and perfect technique. Add some buffer!

How to calculate Landing Distance using the Table

  • Flip to the Landing Distance chart in your POH/AFM.
  • Identify the landing type (i.e. short field) and associated conditions.
  • Identify the field pressure altitude.
  • Identify the temperature at time of landing and locate the column nearest to that temperature.
  • Move down in that respective column to the associated pressure altitude to find your ground roll and distance required to clear a 50-foot obstacle.
  • Apply variables to distance as necessary (i.e. grass runway, headwind, tailwind, etc…)
  • Keep in mind that these numbers are associated with a perfectly performed landing. Add some buffer room!


To use a Takeoff Distance Chart:

  • Identify the outside air temperature (OAT)
  • Identify the pressure altitude and draw your line from the OAT upwards until you intersect the respective pressure altitude line.
  • Move straight across to the next section, and reference the nearest trend lines to draw your line until you intersect your aircraft weight (pounds), then move straight across to the wind component.
  • In a similar fashion, follow the tailwind or headwind component trend lines until you hit the appropriate wind speed, then move straight across to obstacle height.
  • As with the previous two sections, reference the nearest trend lines and draw your line accordingly dependent upon the height of the obstacle.
  • Move straight across to find your total distance.

To use a Landing Distance Chart:

  • Identify the outside air temperature (OAT)
  • Identify the pressure altitude and draw your line from the OAT upwards until you intersect the respective pressure altitude line.
  • Move straight across to the next section, and reference the nearest trend lines to draw your line until you intersect your aircraft weight (pounds), then move straight across to the wind component.
  • In a similar fashion, follow the tailwind or headwind component trend lines until you hit the appropriate wind speed, then move straight across to obstacle height.
  • As with the previous two sections, reference the nearest trend lines and draw your line accordingly dependent upon the height of the obstacle.
  • Move straight across to find your total distance.